CISA’s 150+ List of Free Services and Tools
CISA has a MASSIVE list of free services and tools you can and should take advantage of.
CISA has a MASSIVE list of free services and tools you can and should take advantage of.
Website: This tool is similar to the other password checkers I have listed, such as How Secure is my Password? and Password Monster. This one is fine and gets…
Website: The EICAR anti-malware test file is a harmless file that is used to test the effectiveness of anti-malware software. It was created by the European Institute for Computer…
The Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog (KEVC) is a publicly available catalog of common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) that have been actively exploited by cyber attackers. It is maintained by the…
Website:’s “How Secure Is My Password?” is a free online tool that allows users to check the strength and security of their passwords. Here’s a summary of the…
Website: Similar to “How Secure is my Password”, this tool is offered by My1Login. Plug in your password (or a similar proxy) and get this info: 1. Password strength…
Website: GitLab open sourced their playbooks for Incident Response as a way to give back to the community. It gives us procedural documentation, flowcharts, and activities you can adopt,…
Website: http:/// This is the list of common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) that everyone knows and loves. There is one CVE Record for each vulnerability in the catalog. The vulnerabilities…
Website: CWE™ is a community-developed list of software and hardware weakness types. It serves as a common language, a measuring stick for security tools, and as a baseline for…
Website: CAPEC is the way an attacker can exploit a CVE or generally target a CWE. From the site:The Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC™) effort provides a…