WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle.

Use this free tool to rapidly compare two pieces of text or files for differences. It will highlight the differences by row and within a row to let you quickly spot the problem.

File Diff / File Merge / File Compare

Lif Pro Tips for using this:

  • You have two scripts from different environments that you need to compare to find if anything has changed
  • You need to merge code changes from two different places into a master file
  • You have two long Excel formulas you’re trying to debug and want to know what’s different in each
  • You gave someone some content in Excel and they were supposed to add their feedback to a new column, but they changed the source data. You need to find out what they changed and move their changes to the correct column
  • You can also compare directories and get a quick readout of all diffs on all files

WinMerge to the rescue for all these situations!